Pin Better With Pin4Ever!

Pin4Ever is a set of power tools for Pinterest that help you quickly protect, organize, create, and upload your pins.

If you love Pinterest, you need Pin4Ever!

I have read and agree to the Pin4Ever Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Plans and Pricing Features Testimonials Videos Links

Pin4Ever works with the Basilisk Browser. Please click here for installation instructions.

TROUBLE INSTALLING?  Click here for help.

Pin4Ever Micro Style

Pin4Ever Plans

Most of Pin4Ever's features are absolutely free and do not expire. However, we do ask you to pin one of our pins to one of your boards once a week, if you do not have a paid plan, to help us with promoting Pin4Ever. With a free or paid plan, you can run your backups within the time period, then keep and view the backups as long as you like!

Paid plans include a 15 day money back guarantee! We also do ask that you use the Free Trial Plan for a week before purchasing a paid plan. Plans do not automatically renew, but we do hope you will come back again!

Each plan is for one Pinterest account only. There is a transfer fee if you want your plan switched to another Pinterest account or username.

Pin Better With Pin4Ever

Pin4Ever Photo Album Style
Plan /Features Free No Plan Free Trial Plan Basic Plan Premium Plan Ultimate Plan
Price Free Free 4.99 / 24.99
(1 Year=2.08/Month)
Duration Unlimited 1 Week 1 Month / 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year
Promote Etsy and eBay Product Listings
Bulk Update Pin Descriptions and Links
Backup Linked Web Pages
Backup YouTube Videos
Print Pinterest Pin Pages
Priority Tech Support
Bulk Kill Duplicate and Low Performing Pins
Restore From Backup
Bulk Image Uploading
Power Following/Unfollowing
Find Pins With Broken Links
Backup Followers/Following, Find Follow Backs
Pin Design Tool
Run Backups
Clean Home Feed
Store/View Backups From Prior Backup
Move, Copy, Delete, and Rearrange Pins
Pin Ratings
Discard and Upload Backup Pins From Prior Backup
Search Pins From Prior Backup
Find Duplicate Pins From Prior Backup
Find Pins Deleted From Pinterest From Prior Backup
Most Popular Pins Board From Prior Backup
Pin Anything
Scroll To Bottom

Pin Better With Pin4Ever

Pin4Ever Sticky Notes Style

Pin4Ever Promoting Etsy and Ebay Stores To Pinterest

Pin4Ever Restoring Boards And Pins To Pinterest

Pin4Ever Bulk Uploading To Pinterest

Pin4Ever Power Follow Following Back Pinners

Pin4Ever Pinterest Pin Designer: 'Create A Pin'

Pin4Ever Pin Anything Pinning A Screenshot

Pin4Ever Features

Backup Your Pins
Backup all of your boards, or each board individually, including Likes, Followers, and Following. See your backed up pins in different styles, including Sticky Notes, Photo Album, Corkboard, Classic, and Micro.

Promote Etsy And eBay Product Listings
Pin multiple images from your Etsy and eBay stores' product listings with just a few clicks. Filter listings by categories, keywords, price, and sort order before promoting with an optional time delay between pins. Automatically add your eBay affiliate id to every pin link to earn money by uploading eBay store inventories to Pinterest!

Backup Your Linked Web Pages
Backup your pin's linked web pages as HTML. View the web pages in your backup, even if the original linked web pages have changed or no longer exist.

Backup Your YouTube Videos
Backup your pin's videos as MP4 files. View the videos in your backup, even if the original videos no longer exist.

Restore From Backup
Restore all of your boards to Pinterest, or each board individually, combine multiple accounts, and combine boards from your Pin4Ever backups.

Bulk Image Uploading
Pin multiple images from your local drive or images from the web, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other sites, with an optional time delay between pins.

Power Follow
Quickly follow back and/or unfollow back Pinterest pinners from your account or others. Follow/unfollow all of your Followers, follow all of another pinner's Followers and/or Following, follow all of a board's Followers, and unfollow pinners that you are following that are not following you, with an optional time delay between each follow/unfollow. Whitelist pinners to never unfollow, and blacklist pinners to never follow. Filter pinners by their amount of pins and amount of followers.

Find Pins With Broken Links
After running a backup, this will find any pins that have links that no longer work.

Update Pin Descriptions/Links
Update descriptions and/or source links on multiple pins simultaneously.

Clean Home Feed
Cleans your home feed by removing related or recommended pins.

Print Pinterest Pin Pages with Power Print
Printing Pinterest pages and having them look normal has become impossible. This new feature allows printing of Pinterest pages, and also allows printing other dynamic pages, such as the Pin4Ever backup pages.

Bulk Pin Editing - Move, Copy, Delete, Rearrange
Move, Copy, Delete, and Rearrange pins from your boards or any pin you see. (You must own the pin in order to Move, Delete, or Rearrange it.)

Pin Ratings
Rate pins from one half to 5 stars to mark your favorites and to better organize pins, whether you pin them or not. View rated pins any time and sort your backup pins by your rating.

Find and Remove Duplicate Pins
After running a backup, this will find any duplicate pins and show them side by side, so that you can decide which ones you want to keep. Remove unwanted duplicates in bulk, using either Kill or Delete and Discard.

Find Deleted Pins
After running a second backup, this will find any pins that were deleted from Pinterest. You can then click Upload to put them back on Pinterest.

Find Follow Backs
See if the people that you are following are also your followers or not. You can then unfollow them if you choose.

Create A Pin Tool
Quickly design and pin quotes, infographics, announcements, or just a fancy image. Combine multiple images from your local drive, images from the web (including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other sites), built-in patterns, and colors. Add text, in different fonts, sizes, colors, shadows and styles.

Pin Anything Tool
Pin pages that don't have any pinnable images by taking a screen shot of any part of the page.

Scroll To Bottom Button
Click once and it will keep scrolling down those long Pinterest pages, so you don't have to! It also works on other websites.

Upload Pins
Restore multiple pins that were deleted from Pinterest, or upload existing pins to new boards.

Power Search Box
After running a backup, use the power search to quickly search for pins using words, phrases, and even the links. Also searches pins that have been deleted from Pinterest.

Top Pins Board
See your most popular pins (most repinned and liked) on this automatically generated board. Sort them in reverse order to quickly remove low performing pins in bulk, using either Kill or Delete and Discard.

Advanced Sorting
Sort your backed up boards alphabetically, by size, or by backup date. Sort your backed up pins by popularity or backup date. Sort your search pages, and deleted pins also.

Runs On Multiple Computers
Pin4Ever runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers as an extension to the Firefox web browser. Backups can be saved to any device and kept forever. Use the software wherever you like, with no installation limits.

We use PayPal Logo for payments, so you can buy with confidence, knowing your financial information is secure.

Pin Better With Pin4Ever

Pin4Ever Toolbar - Mac

Pin4Ever Toolbar Minimized - Mac

Pin4Ever Toolbar - Windows 7

Pin4Ever Toolbar Minimized - Windows 7

Pin4Ever Testimonials

  • "What I loved was that Pin4Ever created a really easy to use pin board on my computer with the original links intact ... LOVE IT! ... the process was beyond easy and simple." - A Girl
  • "Thank you so very much for designing and offering such a fabulous Pinterest tool!! You're a genius! Pin4Ever is a wonderful tool, extremely easy to learn/use, its great knowing your 'prized' pins won't be going POOF now and customer service/tech support is exceptional." - NorthwindStar Primitives
  • "Dream Come True! ... If you use Pinterest, you should have Pin4Ever." - Bill
  • "I just did the free trial and it put all of my pins in jpg in their own boards on my computer. I am still in amazement!" - Brenda E.
  • "I needed peace of mind with a backup, as I have 6,000+ pins that I use as motivation and inspiration. I'd be really sad to lose them." - Nick G.
  • "Love the app!! It's a wonderful idea!" - Bajan PhD
  • "THANK YOU for all your awesome customer support while I figured things out. YOU are the type of company I always want to do business with. I am more than happy to pay for awesome programming backed up with first class support. You are all that and more.." - Richard A.
  • "The program works perfectly... I want to thank you for excellent Support, your patience, and kindness. Also for the 7 day free trial to see if its for me or not... A pinner on Pinterest CAN NOT do with out this program...I will be spreading the word every chance I get. Thank you again, Your loyal customer," - April L.

Pin Better With Pin4Ever

Pin4Ever Corkboard Style

Pin4Ever Classic Style

Pin4Ever Video Demonstrations

The Pin4Ever Basic Tools video starts with showing the ease of the Pin4Ever installation, and automatic sign in. It then demonstrates running a backup, and then shows each of the basic Pin4Ever features in action.

The Pin4Ever Restore From Backup video demonstrates the features and use of the Restore From Backup tool restoring boards and pins to Pinterest from a Pin4Ever backup.

The Pin4Ever Power Follow video demonstrates the features and use of the Power Follow tool doing bulk follow backs of Pinterest users and other follow/unfollow features.

The Pin4Ever Bulk Image Uploading video demonstrates the use of the Bulk Image Uploading tool uploading images to a newly created board.

Pin4Ever Basic Tools
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Pin4Ever Restore From Backup
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Pin4Ever Power Follow
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Pin4Ever Bulk Image Uploading
More Videos

Pin Better With Pin4Ever