All posts by Ray E.

Promote Ebay and Etsy Store Listings From Pin4Ever

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Let’s face it, pinning can sometimes be a real drag… especially when it comes to the laborious task of pinning each of your online store products to try and promote them and help bring in a little extra cash.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you could promote your entire eBay and/or Etsy stores on Pinterest with just a few clicks?  Well that time has come!  With Pin4Ever’s new Promote Products tool, you can easily pin all of your product listings from multiple stores, including eBay and Etsy, with more stores on the way.

You begin by creating some new boards on Pinterest or just use existing ones.  Then click on the  Pin4Ever Promote Products Promote Products button on the far right of the Pin4Ever toolbar.  Then enter your Etsyor ebaystore name into the store name box.  Then select the Target Board for where you want these listings to be promoted.  At this point, you can just click the add Add Listings button, and all of your store listings will load into the list:

Using Pin4Ever To Promote eBay and Etsy Store Product Listings

Using Pin4Ever To Promote eBay and Etsy Store Product Listings

You can filter the listings that are added by category, price range, and keywords, and add them in a particular sort order, such as by price or by creation date.  If too many listings are coming in, just press the stop16 Stop button.  You can combine listings from different stores and from different types of stores, all in one list.

You also can select individual listings and edit their target board and/or tweak their descriptions.  You can also click on their links to see the actual listing of the item.

Then you can set a delay.  15 seconds is the recommended delay so you don’t get banned for pinning too fast, although you can pin with zero seconds delay if your are pinning less than 300 pins per hour per IP address (this pin rate may change in the future based on what Pinterest allows).  One final setting, you can also check the Pin In Reverse Order checkbox, which will pin from the bottom of your list to the top, so that the pins on Pinterest will wind up the the same order as your list shows.

Once everything looks right, press the Pin4Ever Promote Pin Butto Promote Listings button on the lower right, to begin pinning your listings. You can stop the listings at any time.  If in the remote chance an error occurs while pinning, a error16 will appear in the status column of that listing, and pinning will proceed to the next pin in the list.  You can click on the listing in question, to see more details about the error.

A video demo/tutorial is here to show the entire process:

You can get a free trial of Pin4Ever’s backups and several Pinterest tools for one week. After the free trial, you will automatically continue with Pin4Ever’s Free Plan, which gives you access to a number of helpful free tools, including Pin Anything, Bulk Editing (Move, Copy, Delete, and Rearrange), and now the new Pin Ratings tool.

Example Pin4Ever Promoted Etsy Store Promoted On Pinterest

Example Pin4Ever Promoted Etsy Store Promoted On Pinterest

At Pin4Ever, we’re always trying to improve the pinning experience. Please let us know if you have any feedback about which of our tools you like best, or suggestions for new tools you’d like to see.

Pin4Ever Update Information

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Pin4Ever is a set of power tools for Pinterest that help you quickly protect, organize, create, and upload your pins. Pin4Ever is updated frequently to keep up with the latest changes that Pinterest.comPin4Ever Update Information makes to it’s site, and also to provide new features and enhance existing features. The details of these updates normally were only visible from the Firefox Addon Manager Extensions tab, but we are now also posting them here, so they are easier to view. Enjoy! Pin4Ever Recent Updates Shorter settings box. Case-insensitive image file extensions. Country specific Pinterest sites. Clean-Home-Feed works with other countries. Clean Home Feed fixed for new pin layouts. Login page corrected for new account structures.

  • (v20.5 – December 10, 2019)
    1. Corrected problem uploading from slave territories other than the imaginary lines of the US due to Pinterest changes
  • (v20.4 – November 20, 2019)
    1. Corrected problems with not being able to uploading images, screenshot, restore, promote and or use bulk stickynotes due to Pinterest changes
  • (v20.3 – November 19, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with not being able to backup secret boards due to Pinterest changes
  • (v20.2 – October 12, 2018)
    1. Updated Pin4Ever so it will also work with the SeaMonkey browser!
  • (v20.1 – October 12, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with Pinterest returning both secret and regular boards in the same query now, instead of separate queries, which was causing duplicate board listing showing in the list during backup
  • (v20.0 – June 9, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with Pinterest putting extra non-pin boxes after pins on all boards for some customers
  • (v19.9 – April 20, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with Etsy titles having an ampersand causing the rest of the listings not to load
  • (v19.8 – March 2, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem youtube backup not downloading videos
  • (v19.7 – February 24, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with backup boards page not having clickable links, so backup pins couldn’t be viewed
  • (v19.6 – February 18, 2018)
    1. Add feature to turn off multi-processing so that certain Pin4Ever features work properly
  • (v19.5 – January 20, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with sticky notes not working STILL due to Pinterest programmers making changes to look busy so they can justify their lame jobs
  • (v19.4 – January 20, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with sticky notes not working AGAIN due to Pinterest programmers smoking crack
  • (v19.3 – January 17, 2018)
    1. Corrected problem with sticky notes not working due to Pinterest changes
  • (v19.2 – January 12, 2018)
    1. Removed Likes board from backup, as Pinterest removed Likes
    2. Corrected problem with pins that are added to sections not being backed up
  • (v19.1 – November 10, 2017)
    1. IMPORTANT UPDATE! Notice added about Firefox 57 not running extensions anymore.
  • (v19.0 – July 18, 2017)
    1. Corrected problem with country mid-level domains not allowing bulk buttons to work when on a top-level domain
  • (v18.9 – June 23, 2017)
    1. Corrected problem with country top-level domains not allowing bulk buttons to work when not on .com top-level domain.
  • (v18.8 – June 15, 2017)
    1. Corrected problem with form history features being removed from the latest Firefox version and completely crashing Pin4Ever.
  • (v18.7 – January 12, 2017)
    1. Added automatic eBay affiliate links to the Promote Pins tool.
  • (v18.6 – November 21, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with Drag and Drop images caused by Firefox 50
  • (v18.5 – September 14, 2016)
    1. Corrected login problem saying network not found.
    2. Automatically clears cache on first install and on reboot notice after update install.
  • (v18.4 – August 30, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with international users having random problems due to localized Pinterest changes.
    2. International users speed increased by accessing local servers.
  • (v18.3 (18.2) – August 27, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with international users having random problems due to localized Pinterest changes.
  • (v18.1 – August 20, 2016)
    1. Updated board query routines compensate for Pinterest changes.
  • (v18.0 – July 6, 2016)
    1. Updated login routine to compensate for Pinterest changes.
  • (v17.9 – July 3, 2016)
    1. Updated Bulk Image Upload to improve pulling background images from style tags.
  • (v17.8 – June 30, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with Pinterest returning errors at the same time as returning an “okay” server status of 200.
  • (v17.7 – June 27, 2016)
    1. Added new Ultimate feature to bulk copy to additional boards during the copy.
  • (v17.6 – June 9, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with Pin4Ever not working due to Firefox 47 update.
  • (v17.5 – June 6, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with active plans not being detected properly.
  • (v17.4 – May 20, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with logging in due to Pinterest changing login structure for some users.
    2. Added new feature allowing different Pinterest country subdomains (e.g. works now, not just
    3. Corrected problems with Clean Home Feed due to Pinterest changing the pin layouts, and also country specific problems.
    4. Shortened the settings box so screen heights of 768 pixels can see the bottom buttons.
    5. Changed to case-insensitive file name extensions when working with images (e.g. image.JPG works now, not just image.jpg).
    6. Corrected problems with ratings not working for different Pinterest country specific subdomains (see #2 above).
  • (v17.3 – March 13, 2016)
    1. Added new “Power Print” feature, to facilitate printing pages from the backup and from Pinterest. This is for Ultimate Plan users
    2. Made speed increase to Pin Ratings and Clean Home Feed.
  • (v17.2 – March 9, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with Bulk buttons not working due to Pinterest updates
    2. Corrected problem with Clean Home Feed not working due to Pinterest updates
    3. Corrected problem with Pin Ratings not working on Pinterest due to Pinterest updates
  • (v17.0, v17.1 – February 29, 2016)
    1. Moved Kill feature to Premium plan to allow Premium users to completely remove pins from Pinterest and the backup in one step.
    2. Fixed problem with Search box caused by a new Firefox SQL bug.
    3. Updated login/logout procedures to correct for Pinterest’s latest messy changes.
  • (v16.8, v16.9 – February 3, 2016)
    1. Corrected problem with multiple sequential blocked or removed pins causing the backup to quit backing up the board pins prematurely when backing up Likes and regular boards, causing not all pins to be backed up for that board.
  • (v16.6, v16.7 – January 18, 2016)
    1. New “Kill” sticky note feature for the Ultimate plan deletes pins from Pinterest, backups, and ratings in one step.
      • Can be used on the backup pins and/or Pinterest pins, to delete all instances of that pin
      • Very helpful for removing duplicate pins from Pinterest and the backup simultaneously.
      • Also helpful for removing low popularity pins from Pinterest and the backup simultaneously.
  • (v16.5 – September 23, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with Clean Home Feed not working due to Pinterest changes.
    2. Corrected problem with Ratings not working due to Pinterest changes.
  • (v16.4 – August 9, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with Likes, Followers, Following and Pin counts not showing correctly when backing up due to Pinterest changes.
    2. Corrected problem with Followers and Following counts not showing correctly in Power Follow due to Pinterest changes.
    3. Increased speed of routines that gather pin and other information.
  • (v16.3 – July 30, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with board names not being retrieved properly due to Pinterest changes.
  • (v16.2 – July 24, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem some features not working due to Pinterest case change in username.
    2. Updated Pin Anything to allow full screen scrolling capture.
  • (v16.1 – July 10, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with logging in due to Pinterest updates.
  • (v16.0 – June 30, 2015)
    1. New promote Etsy and eBay product store listings feature added.
    2. New reverse order pinning feature added to Bulk Upload.
    3. Corrected visual problems with ratings on pins in Linux and Mac operating systems.
  • (v15.9 – June 23, 2015)
    1. New pin ratings feature added.
    2. Clean Home Feed now removes ‘Promoted Pins’ and ‘Picked For You’ pins.
    3. Corrected problem with deleted pins not showing they were deleted on the backups.
  • (v15.8 – May 1, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with large logs being truncated when uploading
    2. Corrected appearance of view buttons on Macs
  • (v15.7 – May 1, 2015)
    1. Updated ‘Clean Home Feed’ feature to remove ‘Picked for you’ pins.
  • (v15.6 – May 1, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with log uploading.
  • (v15.5 – May 1, 2015)
    1. Updated log uploading to require description of the problem.
  • (v15.4 – May 1, 2015)
    1. Added new web page backup feature for Ultimate Plan users to back up the HTML of pin’s linked web pages.
    2. Added new YouTube video backup feature for Ultimate Plan users to back up videos as MP4 files.
  • (v15.3 – Apr 21, 2015)
    1. Added new bulk update feature for Ultimate Plan users to allow bulk changing the link and/or description of pins.
    2. Added new feature to bulk editing to allow setting a delay between operations.
    3. Added new feature to bulk editing to allow seeing pin changes before beginning operations.
    4. Added new feature to bulk editing to edit list of pins before beginning operations.
    5. Added new feature to bulk editing to allow stopping operations and removing bad pins and then continuing.
  • (v15.2 – Mar 24, 2015)
    1. Corrected other problems with backups and bulk operations not working due to Pinterest changes.
    2. Corrected problem with Pinterest changing location of profile image.
    3. Corrected problems with pin, likes, followers, and following counts being incorrect due to non-Enlish language use of commas and periods in numbers  being the opposite of English language use.
  • (v15.1 – Mar 24, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with backups and bulk operations not working due to Pinterest changes.
  • (v15.0 – Feb 27, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with images not saving due to Firefox 36 update.
  • (v14.9 – Feb 22, 2015)
    1. Updated error logging for login procedure.
  • (v14.8 – Feb 17, 2015)
    1. Corrected problems with Pinterest changes causing Pin4Ever login problems.
  • (v14.7 – Feb 14, 2015)
    1. Corrected problems with Pinterest changes causing logouts.
    2. Corrected problem manually entering pin limits per category when using the Restore From Backup feature.
  • (v14.6 – Feb 13, 2015)
    1. Corrected problems with Pinterest changes breaking Restore From Backup feature.
    2. Corrected problems with Pinterest changes breaking the Move/Copy/Delete/Rearrange Bulk operations.
  • (v14.5 – Feb 13, 2015)
    1. Corrected multiple problems introduced by Pinterest changing completely over to https.
    2. There are still other problems occurring, but the Pinterest website keeps changing by the minute. Will wait for it to settle down before attempting more fixes.
  • (v14.4 – Jan 17, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem introduced by obfuscation procedure.
  • (v14.3 – Jan 17, 2015)
    1. Added new feature to allow discarding entire boards from a backup.
  • (v14.2 – Jan 14, 2015)
    1. Corrected problem with Firefox version 35 preventing Pin4Ever from logging into Pinterest.
    2. Corrected problem with Firefox version 35 preventing Pin4Ever from doing a backup.
    3. Corrected problem with Firefox version 35 preventing Pin4Ever from using Power Follow.
  • (v14.1 – Dec 3, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem of backup locking up on some secret boards.
    2. Shows the last Pinterest error in the log prompt, if one had occurred.
    3. Checks for new Pin4ever version before sending in the log.
  • (v14.0 – Nov 26, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with Rearrange feature not working due to Pinterest changes.
  • (v13.9 – Nov 22, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with ‘Backup New Pins Only’ pins appearing as if they are deleted from Pinterest when viewing a backup, if there were no new pins on the board.
  • (v13.8 – Nov 21, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with Power Follow not working due to Pinterest changes.
    2. Corrected problem with pins backed up as new pins not appearing in the correct order when sorting by most recent.
  • (v13.7 – Nov 20, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with pins appearing deleted if a backup is run with the ‘Backup New Pins Only’ option selected.
  • (v13.6 – Nov 20, 2014)
    1. Added a new feature to enable backing up new pins only.
    2. Added routines to speed up the backup and Power Follow.
    3. Added routines to make Pin4Ever less sensitive to Pinterest changes.
    4. Added informative text on the deleted pins, duplicate pins, and broken link pins pages when no pins are found
  • (v13.5 – Nov 16, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with backup hanging when boards have a multiple of 25 pins, due to Pinterest returning null pin sets.
  • (v13.4 – Nov 15, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with entire boards not backing up due to Pinterest changes.
    2. Backup now downloads original images, instead of Pinterest size images.
    3. Corrected problem with viewing backup when no backup has been run yet.
  • (v13.3 – Nov 15, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with rearrange and backing up not working due to Pinterest changes.
    2. Added routines to make Pin4Ever less sensitive to Pinterest changes.
    3. Changed “Find Broken Links” feature to default to off.
    4. Added “Increased Time” warning for the “Find Broken Links” feature.
  • (v13.2 – Nov 13, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with descriptions not moving, copying, or backing up, due to Pinterest changes.
    2. Added new “Find Broken Links” feature, which identifies pins that have broken links.
  • (v13.1 – Nov 5, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with comments not moving, copying, or backing up, due to Pinterest changes.
  • (v13.0 – Nov 5, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with backup board list not loading, due to Pinterest changes.
  • (v12.9 – Oct 22, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with Pinterest login window closing before being able to log in.
  • (v12.8 – Oct 18, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem with backups not running on select Pinterest accounts due to Pinterest updates.
  • (v12.7 – Oct 16, 2014)
    1. Corrected problem in newly released Firefox 33.0 that prevented large Pin4Ever toolbar from displaying correctly.
    2. Corrected problem in newly released Firefox 33.0 that caused mini toolbar icons on Macs to be crowded together.
    3. Corrected problem in newly released Firefox 33.0 that caused the Power Follow window on Macs to not be wide enough.
  • (v12.6 – Oct 16, 2014)
    1. There is a bug in then newly released Firefox 33.0, that is preventing the standard Pin4Ever toolbar from displaying properly, so it has temporarily been disabled, and only the mini version will show for now.
  • (v12.5 – Oct 15, 2014)
    1. Added a new feature to the Bulk Image Upload to allow using the filename in the description.
    2. Fine tuned Pin4Ever error reporting to not prompt to upload the log too frequenty for minor errors.
  • (v12.4)
    1. Updated Pin4Ever to work with Pinterest changing to secure pages (https).
    2. Turned tiling off when viewing “Duplicate Pins” to make it easier to see duplicates.
    3. Enhanced bulk editing to show detailed error messages when Pinterest returns an error while moving or deleting pins.
  • (v12.3) Updated board list routine to use Pinterest’s new way of pulling board lists.
  • (v12.2) Corrected problems with crashing, creating pins, and uploading logs:
    1. Did a complete database code overhaul to compensate for the Firefox Sqlite crash bug: This should prevent most of the crashes that have been occurring.
    2. Create A Pin was updated to use a new save routine so that it does not hang up when saving the pin image.
    3. The logging system was updated to only prompt to upload logs when an actual error occurs, not when cancelling an operation.
  • (v12.1) Added new feature to Power Follow to give the option of not loading all current ‘Following’ when adding ‘Follows’ to the list.
  • (v12.0) Corrected problem with backup board list not loading, due to Pinterest changes.
  • (v11.9) Corrected problem with power following’s Following, and backing up Followings due to Pinterest changing the Following page.
  • (v11.8) Updated Pin4Ever to work with the latest rollout of Pinterest.
  • (v11.7) Corrected problem with power following’s Following, and backing up Followings due to Pinterest changing the Following page.
  • (v11.6) Corrected problem with power following due to Pinterest format changes.
  • (v11.5) Corrected problem with backing up and bulk actions due to Pinterest format changes.
  • (v11.4) Allowed bulk deletion of other Pinterest user’s pins on any group boards that you own.
  • (v11.3) Added several database performance enhancements, increasing backup speed, and decreasing crashes on slower machines.
  • (v11.2) Removed code that removes previous follower/following records that prevented duplicates for earlier Pin4Ever users.
  • (v11.1) Corrected problem Copy, Delete, and Rearrange not working because Pinterest was returning mixed and non-mixed case usernames.
  • (v11.0) Corrected problem with Pinterest now allowing uppercase characters in usernames.
  • (v10.9) Corrected problem restoring pins that have no description.
  • (v10.8) Compensated for problem with Pinterest when reading entire Following.
  • (v10.7) Removed repin settings from preferences/settings dialog.
  • (v10.6) Corrected problem with logging in due to Pinterest updates.
  • (v10.5) Corrected an error in version 10.4.
  • (v10.4) Corrected another problem with Pinterest updating the pin description location.
  • (v10.3) Corrected problem with Pinterest updating the pin description location.
  • (v10.2) Corrected problems logging in for users with the new Pinterest look.
  • (v10.1) Added restored pin history feature to prevent duplicate pins being restored after an error.
  • (v10.0) Updated plan link
  • (v9.9) Added view/upgrade plan link to large toolbar.
  • (v9.8) Corrected problem with missing icons.
  • (v9.7) Corrected problem with Power Follow.
  • (v9.6) Logging in made more robust.
  • (v9.5) Backups error handling made more robust.
  • (v9.4) New Feature: Restore From Backup.
  • (v9.3) Removed weekly repin requirement.
  • (v9.2) Corrected problem with rearranging pins on secret boards.
  • (v9.1) Corrected problem with bulk editing.
  • (v9.0) New Features: Clean Home Feed.
  • (v8.9) New Features: Power Follow white/black lists and filters.
  • (v8.8) Power Follow now follows board ‘Followers’.
  • (v8.7) Power Follow updates.
  • (v8.6) New feature: Power Follow.
  • (v8.5) Correct problem with backing up and bulk editing due to Pinterest updates.
  • (v8.4) Correct problem with logging in due to Pinterest updates.
  • (v8.3) Corrected problem with incorrect image file paths when using drag-n-drop on the bulk uploader.
  • (v8.2) Require paid plan to backup Followers/Following and to find follow backs.
  • (v8.2) Find Follow Backs feature added.
  • (v8.1) Corrected standard toolbar button spacing on Macs.
  • (v8.0) Corrected mini-toolbar button spacing on Macs.
  • (v7.9) Editing buttons are now enabled properly when switch tabs.
  • (v7.8) Changed default descriptions and links on pin creation tools.
  • (v7.7) Trimmed link before uploading on bulk image uploader.
  • (v7.7) Added more error checking to the bulk image uploader.
  • (v7.6) Corrected problem with Followers/Following being backed up even though initially unchecked.
  • (v7.5) Changed pin create routine to timeout after only 5 seconds on first upload attempt.
  • (v7.5) Corrected problem with adding commas to pin counts when pin count did not exist.
  • (v7.5) Changed minimum sizes on Pin Anything and Pin Creator to 120×80 and 80×120.
  • (v7.5) Auto detection of board create/update/delete.
  • (v7.4) More improvements to error handling of bulk image upload.
  • (v7.3) Improved error handling of bulk image upload.
  • (v7.2) Corrected small details of bulk image upload.
  • (v7.1) Corrected problem with bulk image upload.
  • (v7.0) Updated Followers and Following to match Pinterest changes.
  • (v6.9) Added open and save buttons to Create A Pin tool.
  • (v6.8) Removed followers and following from top pins and searches.
  • (v6.7) Added show likes, followers, following option to preferences.
  • (v6.6) Followers and following added to the backup.
  • (v6.5) Added pinterest error message to repin operation details, and automatic skip of pin.
  • (v6.4) Added retries to pin operation details, for partial page returns.
  • (v6.3) Added drag and drop functionality to pin designer and bulk uploader.
  • (v6.2) Added ‘new pin’ function to pin designer.
  • (v6.1) Added image editing, borders, margins to the pin designer.
  • (v6.0) Added pin images from Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • (v5.9) Corrected problems with canceling ‘Pin Anything’.
  • (v5.9) Corrected problem with button sizes on Macs.
  • (v5.9) Corrected problem with dialogs not having close button on Macs.
  • (v5.9) Corrected problem with default repin board being empty.
  • (v5.8) Corrected problem with obfuscated regex.
  • (v5.7) Added text shadows to the ‘Create A Pin’ tool.
  • (v5.6) Removed test code.
  • (v5.5) Added clipboard and hilite features to the ‘Create A Pin’ tool.
  • (v5.4) Corrected problem with additional unneeded pages with no pins causing freeze up.
  • (v5.3) Pin designer now working.
  • (v5.2) Fixes problem with pin creator
  • (v5.1) Fixes problem connecting to
  • (v5.0) Fixes for latest changes
  • (v5.0) Bulk image uploading for premium customers
  • (v4.6) Added new support feature
  • (v4.5) Added sort order options to backed up pins
  • (v4.4) Removed username error
  • (v4.3) Removed empty backed up boards
  • (v4.3) Removed Likes from Top Pins board
  • (v4.3) Added sort order options to backed up boards
  • (v4.3) Corrected problem with backing up boards with zero pins.
  • (v4.2) Added prompt for login attempt from old Pinterest look.
  • (v4.1) Disabled send log prompt when backup is cancelled because user plan has expired.
  • (v4.0) Update bulk operations to work with jQuery update.
  • (v3.9) Added install/uninstall tracking.
  • (v3.8) Added check for update when window is opened, and option to install and restart.
  • (v3.7) Corrected new windows not updating login.
  • (v3.6) Updated Pin4Ever app_version search.
  • (v3.5) Increased timeout to 20 seconds and decreased retries to 10.
  • (v3.5) Made login more efficient.
  • (v3.4) Added extra log statement to login to detect failed logins.
  • (v3.3) Increased query timeout to to 60 seconds.
  • (v3.2) Added retries and prompt to send log on failure to login process.
  • (v3.2) Added low drive space warning when running a backup.
  • (v3.2) Added retries to partial page returns when updating the pin details.
  • (v3.1) Corrected problem with log prompt not showing on all backup cancellations.
  • (v3.0) Pin4Ever version now sent with log upload from extension.
  • (v2.9) Changed send log prompt to infinite duration.
  • (v2.8) Added send log prompts to failed bulk operations and backups.
  • (v2.8) Added send log link to settings.
  • (v2.7) Corrected problem caused when Pinterest updated some pages preventing Pin4Ever from logging in.
  • (v2.6) Corrected problem caused when Pinterest updated some pages preventing additional board page parts to backup.
  • (v2.5) Added version and user agent to log entries
  • (v2.4) Added reporting to bulk editing.
  • (v2.3) Corrected problem caused when Pinterest updated some pages preventing additional board page parts to backup.
  • (v2.2) Corrected problem caused when Pinterest updated some pages preventing Pin4Ever from logging in.
  • (v2.1) Corrected problem when Pinterest is down, Pin4Ever was showing that it was logging in.
  • (v2.0) Corrected problem with backup plans not opening from backup window.
  • (v1.9) Made backup window a modal dialog.
  • (v1.9) Added stats box when backup completes.
  • (v1.8) Corrected problem with new Firefox 23.
  • (v1.7) Added link to preferences to view the current plan.
  • (v1.6) Corrected pin totals on boards page for high number of pins.
  • (v1.6) Corrected sporadic problem with cancelling a running backup.
  • (v1.6) Corrected problem with some youtube videos being embedded in an iframe.
  • (v1.5) Corrected backup include all checkbox not always checking non-visible checkboxes.
  • (v1.5) Corrected board name problem with special characters.
  • (v1.4) Corrected problem limited run plans.
  • (v1.3) Corrected problem with mini-toolbar.
  • (v1.2) Updated database creation routines to prevent lockups on install.
  • (v1.2) Corrected problem with some boards missing an id preventing them from begin backed up.

How To Not Exceed Pinterest’s Pinning and Following Speed Limits

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When pinning multiple pins or followingHow To Not Exceed Pinterest’s Pinning and Following Speed Limits multiple pinners with Pin4Ever’s power tools,  you may encounter the dreaded Pinterest “slow down” message, and be blocked.  This means that you exceeded the speed limit, and you will probably have to wait at least an hour before you try again, and then go even slower.  If you exceed the speed limit again, you may get blocked for 24 hours, or more.

For using Pin4Ever’s Power Follow Tool, as of the date of this article, for established Pinterest accounts, Power Follow will currently do 300 follows within an hour (this will take approximately under 2 minutes on a high-speed internet connection); however,  301 follows in this same time period, will get you blocked for an hour.  Or you can follow 240 per hour, steady, non-stop around the clock, which is about a 15 second delay, and not get blocked.

How To Not Exceed Pinterest’s Pinning and Following Speed Limits

Pin4Ever Power Follow Following Back Pinners

When using other Pin4Ever tools that pin pins, such as Bulk Image Upload and Restore From Backup, we have yet to experiment with the pinning rates, but they are probably along the same lines.  These rates are currently tied to your IP address, not to your account or your computer.  What this means is that only so many pins and follows per house in a certain amount of time.   Also, when you start a new account, those speed limits are much lower!

How To Not Exceed Pinterest’s Pinning and Following Speed Limits

Pin4Ever Restoring Boards And Pins To Pinterest

Running a backup of your pins with Pin4Ever’s Backup tool usually runs much faster, at about 500 pins per minute, depending on your physical connection speed to Pinterest, and whether or not you are pinning during a high traffic time.  This tool is free to try for the first week, and you can view and keep your backups forever, without spending a dime.

Please feel free to try Pin4Ever to test out the rates, and comment below on what you find out, and we will add your insights to this article.  Keep in mind, that Pinterest seems to change things on a daily basis, as they reportedly have about 70 engineers on the payroll that need something to do, so these rates could be changing as I type!

Happy pinning and following!


UPDATE: January 22, 2014:

Some tests restoring pins to Pinterest using the Pin4Ever Restore From Backup feature reveal that about 88 continuous pins can be restored with  no delay in between pins.  After waiting a few minutes, anther 17 pins were able to be uploaded.  Then setting the delay to 15 seconds between each pin, the speed limit was not exceeded until 74 pins were updated.  So the pinning speed limit seems to be about a third to a fourth of the following speed limit.

UPDATE: May 25, 2014:

At the request of one of our best customers, I did another power follow test and was able to continuously follow an unlimited amount of users without Pinterest blocking me, when the delay was set at 15 seconds between follows.  Remember, this following rate is per IP Address, so if you have multiple accounts and/or multiple computers in your house, they usually all share the same dynamic IP address assigned by your internet provider, and you only get so many follows per IP per hour (around 240).